
Security/ Police 警政單位

Law Enforcement (執法)

Sochamp ALPR systems can be installed at fixed locations or used as mobile units for flexible utilization in the field. TheSochamp ALPR system captures vehicle license plate data and immediately verifies it against known lists to red flag vehicles that are suspect or wanted. These systems can be used to identify stolen vehicles, search for wanted felons, conduct surveillance at suspected crime sites and can provide background checks for previous DUI offenses.

在警政執法應用上,中華碩銓車牌辨識系統可以架設在固定地點或彈性設置於任何移動單位中。 中華碩銓ALPR 系統辨識車輛準確率高達95%以上,並可即時比對被警政單位標記為問題車輛之資料庫。 中華碩銓車牌辨識系統可用來查緝贓車、追蹤已遭通緝車輛之行經路線、 監控涉嫌犯罪地點、及利用車牌辨識系統過濾曾有酒駕記錄之駕駛車輛來提高警察路檢酒駕的成功率。